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PZGO LLC > Categories > Dry-type dust, gas and air filters > Adsorption columns: physical and chemical gas filtration of high selectivity

Adsorption columns: physical and chemical gas filtration of high selectivity


In addition to wet gas cleaning equipment, PZGO LLC offers the individual design, manufacture and turnkey commissioning of dry-type fixed bed adsorption columns.

Chemisorption and adsorption towers are widely used in many industries and, along with absorbersandscrubbers, are important gas cleaning devices that are indispensable in many manufacturing, excavating and processing sectors.

adsorption tower

One of the form factors of an adsorption tower available for Order at PZGO LLC

Due to the variety of adsorbents available, dry catalytic filters with a static bed can perform many industrial tasks: from cleaning air from hydrocarbon combustion products to desorbing pure chemical elements.

A huge advantage of industrial adsorbers / chemisorbers is their ability to be loaded with exactly the adsorbent that is needed to perform specific tasks at a particular point in time.

The column can act as a granular activated carbon filter to remove chlorine, and as a ceramic separator to clean the air from hydrochloric acid vapor. Loading of the working compartment with silica gel, ion exchangers, zeolites, aluminosilicates and other microporous synthetic and mineral adsorbents is also possible.

Due to their high selectivity, adsorption filters are often used as hygiene / sanitary gas treatment and odor control apparatuses. These devices exhibit exceptional efficiency in relation to highly toxic gaseous adsorbates: mercury vapors, cyanides, fluorine, aromatic hydrocarbons, formaldehyde, ammonia, nitrogen- and sulphur oxides and other compounds.

For over 30 years we have been improving our own experience in the field of dry gas cleaning, developing unique methods and materials. Feel free to ask us any professional-related questions.

Adsorption theory / principle of operation of dry-type catalytic filters

Technically, adsorption is a special case of absorption, with the difference that the capture of undesirable substances occurs only in the surface layer of the adsorbent.

Without going into the microscopic processes occurring at the gas-solid interface, adsorption can be divided into 2 types.

  1. Physical adsorption. This principle of interaction derives from the fact that with sufficient convergence of molecules, their dipoles become polarized and begin to attract each other. Under ideal conditions, the formation of new chemical compounds does not occur.
  2. Chemical / Catalytic adsorption. During the catalytic reaction, the forces described in the first paragraph also occur. But, among other things, a chemical reaction is added to the physical (intermolecular) forces of Van der Waals. Chemical adsorption often proceeds with a large release of heat, which is released as a result of the formation or rupture of chemical bonds.
In fact, adsorption processes always, in varying degrees, combine the physical and chemical principle of compound interaction.

Design features and specifications

PZGO LLC manufactures many shape factors of chemisorption- and adsorption apparatuses, but, most often, they are vertical columns that have one or more working chambers inside, filled with a fixed bed.

adsorbent types

Most frequently used adsorbents: silica gel, activated carbon and zeolites (alumosilicates)

At the design stage, we carefully analyze the required operating conditions of the tower and, based on this, we define beforehand which packing will capture the undesirable substances most effectively.

Desorption and regeneration of adsorbent

An important condition for the proper operation of all adsorbers, without exception, is the need for periodic regeneration of the adsorbent.

This topic is covered in more detail in a separate article, but it should be mentioned that adsorbers are usually used in pairs:

  • After the fixed layer is covered with an inert microfilm, the device switches to regeneration mode (which can be combined with a desorption procedure, that is, the extraction of useful components from an inert deposit).
  • At the same time, in order to insure the continuity of the gas cleaning process, the paired apparatus immediately switches to the operating mode. Thus, at each moment of time, one of the devices is working, and the other is in self-cleaning mode.

Photo gallery: adsorption column production process

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Scope of supply

Dry adsorption filter, regardless of modification, size and performance, includes the following functional parts:

  • column (at the request of the customer, the interior of the column can be lined with acid-resistant and heat-stable concrete, which allows processing of high concentration and high-temerature acid gases);
  • inlet diffuser;
  • support grid or perforated adsorbent container;
  • output confuser;
  • hatch for loading the active adsorbent;
  • hatch for unloading dead (exhausted) adsorbent;
  • adsorbent array (optionally).
Manufacturing, delivery and commissioning of equipment in Europe and Asia

For any questions regarding the individual design and manufacture of dry fixed-bed adsorption columns, please contact us in a convenient way or fill out a Customer’s questionnaire.

industrial adsorption unit

Our gas filtration devices do not lose their effectiveness even in severe climatic conditions

We provide fast delivery of gas cleaning equipment to any region in Europe or Asia. A deep upgrade of your gas filtering infrastructure is also possible. Please feel free to seek professional advice.

manufacture of industrial adsorption towers

PZGO LLC – breathe with ease!