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One of the sought-after devices among the many gas cleaning apparatuses is a packed- or a fixed-bed bed scrubber. Air purification systems built on the basis of these filters are highly efficient in capturing complex chemical (as well and fine-mechanical) pollutants from air and gas streams.
One of the form factors of a fixed bed scrubbing column made for industrial air purification within a catalyst agents calcination line. This very column’s effective gas handling capacity range is 4000-1000 m3 / h
A wide variety of packings (fillings) and operating modes available makes it possible to use wet scrubbers both in the manufacturing industry and in the areas related to the processing of hydrocarbons and organic matter: energy, petrochemistry, and chemistry. Wet scrubber towers (alone or in combination with other devices) are traditionally used in the food, clothing, and woodworking sectors.
In most cases, the scrubber is a vertical tower. Polluted / contaminated or dusty gas (or air) runs into the interior of the apparatus through the inlet pipe located at the bottom of the column (but there are also horizontal and inclined versions). Inlet flow movement is provided by a high pressure fan.
The gas stream moves along the tower and encounters a packing storey on its way. The working tier of the scrubber is actively irrigated by nozzles. The atomizing creates an interfacial layer on the surface of the packing elements, which is represented by a thin renewable film of water or a weak chemical solution.
It is in this interfacial layer that absorption or chemisorption occurs, that is, the retention of undesirable components in the entire volume of the liquid absorbent (process water or reagent).
Production facility
The performance of wet fixed-bed scrubbers is highly dependent on the packing loaded. Among other things, the method of stacking the filling (random or structured) is also important.
In general, the packed bodies are topological / geometric formations with a small nominal volume and a large specific surface. The most effective bodies are Raschig rings, Super Raschig rings, Dixon rings, Levin`s spirals, Teller rosettes, as well as other rings, tubes, plates, chords, half-chords, saddles (and their spatial modifications).
Crane operation
It should also be noted that the material from which the packing is made is also an important factor. This is due to the fact that in addition to the physical capture of pollutants in the interfacial layer, bed elements can also demonstrate discernible catalytic (chemical) functions.
For example, sulfur oxides (and other acidic gaseous compounds), which are among the most frequently encountered pollutants, interact well with metals (especially at high temperatures of fumes and smokes).
Thus, the packed bed scrubber implements two independent gas cleaning schemes: physical interfacial capturing and chemical deactivation / sweetening (both due to the properties of the absorbent and due to the material of the packing).
Packed bed absorbers and scrubbers manufactured by PZGO LLC are distinguished by the following list of advantages:
If you have any questions regarding the individual design (calculation, modelling) and manufacture of wet scrubber systems with packed / fixed bed, (as well as other types of equipment), please contact us in the way that is convenient for you or fill out the Customer’s questionnaire.
We quickly deliver single gas cleaning devices and plants to any region in Europe or Asia. If necessary, engineers of PZGO LLC are ready to quickly put the equipment into operation (or upgrade the existing air-cleaning infrastructure).
PZGO LLC – breathe with ease!