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Gas Cleaning Equipment Questionnaire

Gas Cleaning Equipment Questionnaire
* – required fields

    The Company you represent (with full address):
    The list of objects (or an object) within which the installation of equipment is required:
    Description of the technological scheme and principles of operation of your industrial site:
    The volume of air or gas to be cleaned (m3/h):
    The temperature of air or gas flow to be cleaned:
    Mechanical dust concentration (mg / m3) and its particle composition:
    The composition of pollutants and their concentration (mg / m3):
    Purification rate required:
    Desired equipment material type (steel, stainless steel, PP, titan, fluoropolymer, etc.):
    Characteristics of the in-process or required flue gas fan:
    Dimensional restrictions, size requirements and preferable spatial orientation:
    Your name:
    Phone number:
    Additional info: