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Terms and conditions / substantive provisions of
Each User / Customer interacting with (hereinafter – Website), as well as having a commercial relationship with the PZGO LLC within the framework of the order, manufacturing, delivery and installation of gas cleaning (and related) equipment, by default agrees with the conditions set forth below. PZGO LLC has the right to change these provisions without notifying the Users / Customers.
Pricing and Communication
The Website is a fully informational resource and does not have the functionality of an online store. Thus, we are in no way collecting any billing information.
Prices for all products and services are calculated individually and depend, among other things, on such factors as the unit / multi-stage plant model, speed of production, delivery and equipment installation options (if required). We are also ready to discuss any other special conditions for commercial interaction on an individual basis.
We make every effort to ensure the most attractive price for all industrial scrubbers, dust-collectors, absorbers and adsorbers, (while maintaining the maximum efficiency of devices).
In addition to the standard communication provided by the Website (phone, email, Customer’s questionnaire), it is possible to discuss the conditions of a personal working meeting with an expert of our organization in Russia or another country of Europe or Asia.
User’s Personal Data
By default, the Website does not collect any personal data of the User, with the exception of impersonal data collected by Google ( and Yandex ( statistics services.
Sensitive personal data, such as name, email address and telephone number, are entered into the base of the Website ONLY in the case of voluntary filling out the Customer’s questionnaire or feedback form.
We use personal data ONLY for communication with Clients and NEVER disclose, transmit or sell any information to third parties. We also regularly update Website security systems to eliminate the possibility of information theft or leakage.
Cookies policy
The Website uses cookies, which are small files and are automatically downloaded to the device from which the interaction with the Website is made.
Most of the cookies are service files of search engine statistics systems. Other cookies are files generated by the BOLT CMS site management system and required for proper interaction with the Website.
You can block the use of cookies by changing your browser settings, although this is not recommended.
Dispute settlement
In the event of a significant disagreement between PZGO LLC and the Customer, the latter is obliged to submit a written claim to PZGO LLC in order the Parties to find out how to resolve the differences.
PZGO LLC undertakes to respond in writing to the claim within 30 calendar days.
If it is impossible for the Parties to find a satisfactory resolution of the issue, the dispute may be referred to the judicial authority.
Date of last editing of this page: November 20, 2019