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PZGO LLC > Categories > Wet-type gas, air, dust and fume filters > Packed-bed horizontal scrubber: efficient and compact air / gas filtration unit

Packed-bed horizontal scrubber: efficient and compact air / gas filtration unit


In spite of the fact that all industrial gas cleaning devices manufactured at PZGO LLC are compact, the horizontal scrubbers (absorbers) are especially modest in size.

However, this does not detract from their effectiveness. As much as vertical models, packed-bed horizontal absorbers are versatile and flexible in capturing a wide range of complex gaseous pollutants and pure elements.

The main advantage of these devices is the possibility of installation in the height-constrained space of industrial sites (chemical workshops, municipal enterprises, boiler rooms, food facilities, painting booths, dairy plants, waste incinerators).

horizontal gas scrubber

The process of shipment of the scrubber to the Customer. Please keep in mind that we approach each Order with exceptional individually, therefore the final layout and sizes of apparatus made for Your industrial site may slightly differ from that shown in the photo

The main purpose of such devices is cleaning the industrial air after etching operations with acids and alkalis, chrome plating, nickel plating, galvanizing (zinc), and other electroplating procedures.

Horizontal-type scrubbers with fixed bed exhibit a high degree of purification when treating streams contaminated mainly with gaseous pollutants: sulfurous anhydride (SO2), sulphur trioxide (SO3), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), alkalis, carbon monoxide (CO), hydrogen sulfide (H2S), non-combustible hydrocarbons (CH), mercury vapors, ammonia, aldehydes, aromatic hydrocarbons, VOCs, and other hazardous / aggressive substances.

For over 30 years we have been designing and manufacturing wet and dry gas cleaning equipment for Russian and Foreign manufacturing enterprises.

Design features and theory of operation of horizontal scrubbers

Fundamentally, horizontal scrubbers do not differ from vertical fixed-bed absorbers, except for orientation. It is the axis passing through the lengthwise plane of the device that gives it exceptional compactness and low construction height.

crane operation

The compactness of the unit makes it easy to transport and install

  1. Gas or air flow is fed into the apparatus through the inlet and then enters the chamber with a fixed bed. As in the absorbers, plastic Raschig rings, Pall rings, Intallox saddles and other bodies with a small volume and a large specific surface act as filling.
  2. A thin film of water or reagent, enveloping the packing bodies is the interfacial boundary, in which the active retention of chemical pollutants occurs.
  3. Further, the gaseous medium containing the reagent (or water) aerosol enters the demisting section. In this section, the liquid is separated from the purified gas (air). The nonthreatening gaseous phase is emitted into the atmosphere, while the liquid is returned to the main circuit via recirculation system.
Please be informed: in the case when the stream of treated air or gas is highly dusty, the packing bodies can gradually be covered with a thin layer of inert resultants of reaction; therefore this type of equipment is more associated with chemical gas cleaning filters. When handling flows discernibly polluted with mechanical impurities, we strongly recommend installing dry or wet dust collector upstream the scrubber.

Scope of supply and basic elements of horizontal absorbers

The device consists of the following functional modules:

  • inlet and outlet chambers;
  • mass transfer section filled with fixed packing material (plastic, metal or alloy);
  • advanced spray system;
  • drip section;
  • absorbent tank;
  • piping / stop valves;
  • polypropylene pump;
  • pH meter (since horizontal scrubbers in most cases are used for filtering acidic gases, pH meter continuously monitors the acidity of the medium inside the apparatus and in case of exceeding a certain threshold, injects a portion of alkaline reagent into the working circuit).

Schematics, layout, dimensions and preformance range

horizontal scrubber drawing

Scrubber’s default layout


Reference dimensions

Gas handling performance, m3/h Reference dimensions, mm
a b h D
500 2250 1050 1550 160
1000 2250 1050 1550 170
1500 2250 1050 1550 190
2000 2250 1150 1650 230
2500 2250 1150 1650 260
3000 2400 1400 1800 290
4000 2400 1400 1800 320
5000 2400 1450 1850 370
6000 2525 1500 1900 425
8000 2575 1600 1990 475
10 000 2575 1650 2015 525
12 000 2800 1700 2100 580
16 000 2850 1750 2200 650
20 000 2900 1800 2300 720
25 000 3450 2000 2400 850
30 000 3600 2200 2500 950
40 000 3600 2350 2700 1050
50 000 3700 2350 2800 1150
60 000 3700 2350 3000 1250
At the request of the Customer, the wet scrubber can be equipped with an automatic conveyor-type pulp / sludge removal system, as well as with an absorbent-dosing tank and a pressure fan.

Performance and specifications

A single wet scrubber of horizontal type (manufactured by PZGO LLC) has the following technical characteristics:

  • gas handling capacity: up to 60,000 m3 / h (depending on the exact model of the unit);
  • low pressure drop;
  • a wide range of captured substances, including acid gases, acids, alkalis, sulfur compounds, nitrogen compounds, toxic, teratogenic and carcinogenic gases, volatiles and aerosols;
  • reduction of harmful emissions ≈ 99%, (which allows to deploy chemical production in close proximity to residential premises);
  • pre-installed condensate / drip trap;
  • possibility of full and remote automation of all gas cleaning processes;
  • we use anticorrosive construction materials resistant to acids, alkalis and other aggressive media;
  • extreme durability, reliability and affordability of equipment (even for medium-sized and small enterprises).
Design, manufacture and commissioning of equipment

For any questions regarding the individual design and manufacture of wet scrubbers and fixed bed absorbers, (or to discuss any other terms of cooperation), please contact us the way that is preferable for You or fill out the Customer’s questionnaire.

We quickly deliver gas cleaning equipment to any region in Europe and Asia. We will gladly accompany Your Order to the final stage by carrying out professional assembly and local turnkey commissioning of the device (within your industrial facility). Each unit comes with a full set of documentation. Feel free to contact us for any reason.

industrial gas filtration equipment

PZGO LLC – breathe with ease!