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PZGO LLC warmly welcomes large- and medium-scale industrialists from Europe and Asia and offers to individually design and manufacture scrubbers, absorption columns, adsorption towers and industrial dust collectors for processing industries.
It is no secret that a significant part of the mechanical and gaseous waste of the processing industry is not recycled. This not only leads to pollution of the industrial atmosphere and the global air basin, but also causes manufacturers to incur losses due to the lack of proper disposal of valuable residues of technological cycles.
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In general, “processing” is a very capacious concept. Within the framework of this page we will review the typical wastes of the main branches of the processing industry, as well as methods for their neutralization and capture.
Adsorption columns are chemical-type gas cleaning devices. They demonstrate high performance in terms of deactivation of dry gas environments such as sulfur oxides, mercury vapors, chlorine, hydrogen sulfide, fluorides, dioxins, furans.
Industrial 2-chamber gas adsorber
Due to their ability to pick up extremely dangerous chemical compounds, adsorption towers are often used in the final stages of gas cleaning activities, as air hygienic cleaning devices.
In addition, adsorbers are capable of extracting (desorbing) useful constituents from gas streams, which is of considerable economic interest on the part of representatives of modern industry.
Read more about the working methods and technical features of these devices on the page “Adsorbers“.
Fixed-bed absorbers are more versatile gas cleaning systems, with a gentle shift towards chemical neutralization.
The topological type and material of packing bodies loaded into the working compartment of these devices provides for a wide variability for gas cleaning procedures. These can be Dixon metal rings, ceramic spirals, saddles, chords, Pall or Raschig polymer rings.
Immobile packed-bed polymer-bodied scrubber for wet neutralization / capture of chemically active pollutants (gases, fumes, vapors and aerosols)
The efficiency of air cleaning is also influenced by the type of liquid reagent loaded. Despite the fact that in most cases the process water is sufficient for achieving the required efficiency, acidic, alkaline, manganese, lime or other chemical solution may be required to deactivate aggressive gaseous, aerosol or vapor compounds.
All this allows the use of this type of scrubbers for cleaning exhaust and flue / furnace gases, fuel oil, as well as fumes after the combustion of coal, wood, organic matter and gasoline hydrocarbons.
Read more about packed columns on the corresponding page of our site.
Fluid(ized) bed scrubbers are among the most versatile and high-performance gas cleaning equipment. Unlike orifice-type absorbers, floating bed scrubbers provide an even larger contact area due to the high-turbulent fluid layer, in which the packing bodies move chaotically.
A feature of such devices is not only the near-100% efficiency in trapping complex gas-fume-mechanical pollutants of high concentration, but also the ability for continuous self-cleaning.
Own experiments have shown that the best bodies for the formation of a fluidized bed are hollow polypropylene balls. Among other things, polypropylene is chemically inert, which allows it to be in contact with many acids and alkalis without damage.
Transporting of 2 unassembled floating-bed scrubber-type dust collectors
Fluidized bed gas cleaning systems are used in all industries where there is an integrated gas-mechanical phase as emissions: ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, food industry, heat and power complex, textile sector, pulp and paper industry, hydrometallurgy, asphalt concrete factories and much more.
For more information about the devices of this type, please visit the “Floating bed scrubbers” page of our website.
Venturi scrubbers, although not filled with packing material, are very sought-after devices in many branches of the manufacturing sector.
Unlike absorbers and packed scrubbers, Venturi systems are more focused on handling dusty gas / air streams. That is why they are often called not scrubbers, but dust collectors.
The principal difference between these devices and all others is the speed that the air stream develops inside the Venturi tube.
Venturi dust collector capable of capturing cementing dusts (including chemically active and hot ones)
The flow, accelerated to 200 meters per second, has such kinetic energy, which allows the destruction of physical bonds in adhesive and cementing substances. This makes Venturi scrubbers indispensable for capturing and disposing of spray paints, sweet syrups, starch dust, shale, clay compounds, gluten flour, pastes, cements and glues.
Moreover, if an alkaline or acid solution is loaded into the absorbent tank, the Venturi cone can, in some cases, function as a chemical precipitator. For more detailed acquaintance with devices operating on the Venturi principle, please visit this page.
We offer a wide variety of gas and air purification plants, industrial aspiration and ventilation systems, whose efficiency in trapping harmful and unwanted dusts and gas phases is close to 100%.
The spectrum of compounds that can be effectively captured is very wide: metal, rock, wood and plastic dusts, SOx, NOx, CO, СxHx, Hg, mercaptanes, sticky and cementing compounds, volatile substances, acid / alkaline fumes, heavy metals, benzpyrene, acetone, ammonia, spray paints and more.
As a full-cycle supplier, we also manufacture efficient and compact systems for neutralizing liquid acidic and alkaline waste
We are ready not only to deliver and install gas cleaning systems, but also to set up any-scale industrial aspiration and ventilation ducts. If you have any questions regarding the manufacture, delivery or local turnkey commissioning of gas cleaning equipment in Europe and Asia, please send us an email or fill out a Customer’s questionnaire.
PZGO LLC – breathe with ease!