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PZGO LLC > Industry > Chemical absorbers, laboratory scrubbers and dry adsorbers / desorbers for fine gas cleaning in petrochemistry

Chemical absorbers, laboratory scrubbers and dry adsorbers / desorbers for fine gas cleaning in petrochemistry

Petrochemical industry


PZGO LLC offers to engineer, manufacture, deliver and commission laboratory scrubbers, chemical absorbers, adsorption-desorption towers and other fine gas-cleaning equipment for petrochemical industries in Europe and Asia.

For over 30 years we have been developing unique casing / packing materials and gas cleaning techniques that allow our plants to achieve an average efficiency of 99%.

Contact our engineering department to get a professional consultation

Features of the petrochemical sector

Due to a multitude of factors, even today, in the 21st century, most of the energy used to support and develop human civilization is produced from hydrocarbons. This explains the continuous progress of the petrochemical industry, whose main purpose is to find the most rational use of oil and natural gas.

One of the features of hydrocarbons is the complexity and multiformity of their chemical composition. A seemingly ordinary oil contains hundreds and sometimes thousands of different compounds, many of which are a serious danger.

Methane, propane, ethane, alkanes, naphthenes, aromatic hydrocarbons, benzene, toluene, xylene, ammonia, methyl chlorides, paraffins, sulfur and nitrogenous chemical conglomerates: this is not the entire list of hazardous substances with which the petrochemical industry deals.

industrial sulfur removal system

Industrial DESOx filter (this very model, produced at PZGO LLC, is capable of processing higly-contaminated flows heated up to 400 Celsiums)

In addition, when heated or burned, all organic compounds of the carbon-hydrogen type produce substances that guaranteedly cause a critical impact on human health and the environment.

The extraction of useful components from a variety of disparate compounds is inextricably linked with research and laboratory activities, which in turn requires systems with high selectivity of chemical recovery.

Equipment types and features of gas and air purification methods

Being a complex science, petrochemistry involves a lot of technological procedures, including coking, isomerization, alkylation, distillation, and other processes of chemical synthesis and oil refining. Most of these operations take place with the release of significant amounts of harmful gaseous compounds, often of high temperature.

Depending on the type of exhaust and the tasks assigned, gas cleaning equipment of dry or wet type is used.

Adsorbers / desorbers

Dry chemical adsorbers, performing in parallel the function of desorbers, are used to process dry streams that do not contain mechanical impurities.

Such devices filled with granular adsorbent are used in petrochemistry, for example, to separate amylene from the complex gas stream, as well as to extract elemental sulfur from hydrogen sulfide and sulfur oxides.

dry catalytic adsorber for hydrocarbons

Industrial 2-chamber gas adsorber for trapping hydrocarbon gaseous and aerosol / VOC waste (this particular model is designed for emergency neutralization of gasoline / liquid hydrocarbons emissions)

Due to the fact that activated carbon is often used as an adsorbent, these devices are also referred to as industrial carbon filters. The same applies to silica gel.

Please get comprehensive information on dry adsorption towers.

Chemical absorption columns

Absorption columns are also commonly regarded as chemical equipment, although, among other things, they can perform the function of a dust collector. In addition, the spraying of the liquid reagent provides cooling of the inward stream.

Fixed bed absorbers are ideal for situations where the gas or air flow is a high-temperature mixture of hazardous, flammable and / or explosive gases contaminated with volatile aerosols or vapors of toxic substances.

column absorber

Wet-functor packed-bed-type absorption coumn (produced at our facility)

The packing material of such apparatuses can have either the form of granules or have more complex topological forms: Pall rings, Raschig rings, spiral-type Levin’s packing, tubes with a crosspiece, and others.

In petroleum chemistry, such devices are widely demanded on the sites of primary oil separation / processing, as well as in production units, where the heating or combustion of hydrocarbons takes place.

horizontal packed absorber

Horizontally oriented absorber (horizontal orientation was chosen on the design stage to achieve the maximum compactness of the apparatus)

We suggest you to get acquainted with absorption columns in more details.

Barbotage / Orifice / Bubble absorbers

Another type of devices widely used in chemical production are bubble absorbers, (also referred to as barbotage- or orifice scrubbers).

They are in many ways similar to traditional absorber towers, but the main functor that cleans the gas flow is a layer of foam. Unstable foam is formed on the support perforated trays by air passing through a layer of liquid / reagent, which is continuously atomized over the trays.

Orifice-type absorbers can also act as dust collectors for fine mechanical particles.

In hydrocarbon processing sector, bubbling devices are often used to neutralize or capture acid fumes (H2SO4, H2SO3, H2CrO4 and others).

Read more about bubble absorbers.

Wet / moisture scrubbers

Scrubbers and Venturi scrubber systems are more related to dust removal equipment, but chemical agent, loaded into the absorbent tank, allows the devices to acquire the features of chemical equipment, capable of trapping harmful and toxic impurities.

venturi scrubber

Compact, flexible and powerful Venturi scrubber

Wet scrubbers do not belong to the selective gas cleaning units. Their main feature is the simultaneous capture of a wide range of components. The main purpose of scrubbers is the treatment of mechanically polluted streams, which may also contain a complex of harmful or undesirable gases / vapors / aerosols/ colloidal sols.

Although, (unlike desorbers), scrubbers and absorption columns are not classified as direct-type regeneration equipment, the sludge produced as a result of cleaning operations may be dehydrated to recover valuable elements / substances.

Application studies associated with micro-scale testing of new industrial approaches to oil refining also require the installation of devices for fine gas cleaning, aimed mainly at preserving the health of laboratory personnel.

In the petrochemical industry, scrubbers (and Venturi tubes / cones) are often used in staging areas, and also as one of the cleaning tiers in the production of ammonia fertilizers, lubricating substances, chemical fibers, polymers and their intermediate products.

We invite you to learn more about fluidized bed scrubbers and Venturi tubes.

Engineering, manufacturing, delivery, installation and commissioning of equipment in Europe and Asia

To discuss the subtleties of cooperation related to the individual engineering and manufacture of devices, please send us an email or fill out the Customer’s questionnaire.

We are ready to quickly deliver gas-cleaning equipment to any city in Europe and Asia and, if necessary, to carry out fast installation and seamless commissioning of devices (it is also possible to use your industrial infrastructure and / or related equipment). We guarantee high efficiency and affordability of devices, even for medium- and small-sized businesses.

air cleaning equipment for petrochemistry

PZGO LLC – breathe with ease!